Monday, October 7, 2013

What's Buggin' the Veggies?

Once upon a minute.....

All the vegetables complained. They were all bugged about something.
The tomato was sad about being soup.
The squash was irked about being squashed.
The grape was agitated about being crushed.
The cucumber was furious about being pickled.
The lettuce was incensed about being tossed.
The onion was fuming about being chopped.
The beet was livid about being beat.
The potato was mad about being smashed.
The pumpkin was enraged about being carved.
The corn was piqued about being popped.

Even the tree on the side of the garden complained: "All of my family and friends have become firewood or furniture! Look over there, my dad's an Adirondack chair!"

Then the soil complained: "I'm just dirt! I've got it worse than anybody; first the farmer breaks my ground and now all of you whiners have become a thorn in my side! When it rains, I get worms and you change my name to mud!"

The Heart Farmer smiled and flexed his arms and said: "Do you see these muscles? I got them from breaking my back to help you all grow!"
So they all agreed that each of them shared the brokenness of their world.

A bulb lit up in the onion's head. He had an idea: "Let's all take a rest from our labors. We can call it Shabbat." All the vegetables were overcome with tears at the onion's suggestion. They agreed that they would take a rest over the winter and think deeply about a solution to their shared brokenness.

Spring came and with it came an overwhelming desire to grow all over again. It seemed like the hangover of brokenness had dissipated. They were eager for a fresh start. A winter reflection had given them peace. During that time of rest and peace they realized that maybe there was a purpose to all this brokenness. It became apparent to them that we needed to get broken to become stronger and support each other. By ourselves we focus on our weaknesses and we moan. Working together we become stronger.

Ecclesiastes 4:9-12
The Message

9-10 It’s better to have a partner than go it alone.
Share the work, share the wealth.
And if one falls down, the other helps,
But if there’s no one to help, tough!

11 Two in a bed warm each other.
Alone, you shiver all night.

12 By yourself you’re unprotected.
With a friend you can face the worst.
Can you round up a third?
A three-stranded rope isn’t easily snapped.

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