Sunday, August 23, 2015


Humility is an electable trait.
Haughtiness is a destructible trait.
Pride slithereth before the fall,
Humbleness makes the lowly feel tall.

Compassion is an electable trait.
Conceit is a destructible trait.
Contempt slaps the poor with heavy tolls,
Kindness fills the chasm in empty souls.

"Look at me!" Said the man in his tower tall.
I've raised myself up to be the leader of all.
"Money is the way!" Cried all the folks below!"
"Elect the tower man, a new wall he will sow.

Alack and alas the babel tower was built,
Hypocrisy became law, an oath without guilt.
Humility was crushed by fools in disguise,
An arrogant country became wise in their own eyes.

Time is of no consequence, the hourglass is banned,
Building foundations of mockery, they've taken the sand.
They crave controversy and the next quarrel with glee,
Welcome to the tower, home of the modern day Pharisee.


Proverbs 25:18-22 Contemporary English Version
18 Telling lies about friends
is like attacking them
with clubs and swords
and sharp arrows.

19 A friend you can’t trust
in times of trouble
is like having a toothache
or a sore foot.

20 Singing to someone
in deep sorrow
is like pouring vinegar
in an open cut.

21 If your enemies are hungry,
give them something to eat.
And if they are thirsty,
give them something
to drink.

22 This will be the same
as piling burning coals
on their heads.
And the Lord
will reward you.

Thanks for your time. Go do some compassion for somebody.

Sunday, August 23, 2015
9:49 am