Monday, October 21, 2013

Experiencing Internship

Chapter Twelve

 Experiencing Internship

Landing an internship can be exciting and intimidating. It's a beginning step to a future dream. An intern is someone who works for a limited time at a job to gain experience. A Mentor should approach each relationship as an intern. Each child is unique and deserves a Mentor with an open mind; together they will create new experiences.


Many years ago (late 1970's) we had season tickets for the Buffalo Bills. I was a fanatic who had dreamed about playing in the National Football League. My playing days were over (except for the annual mud game on Thanksgiving Day!) I gave up my season tickets when the players went on strike. I was angry that players making tons of money would go on strike while I worked hard for a fraction of the pay. I got married and had a family, my priorities changed.
When my 2 sons were younger, we went to some of the Bills games. They both followed sports to some degree and our activities reflected our mutual interests. While it was nice spending time with my boys in watching something, our time together would have been more beneficial if we were doing something. If I could give advice to parents, I would say: 
"Pick up a ball and play catch instead of 
watching someone else play catch."
 Experience is something you gain as you create experience. Knowledge is gained living through an experience. Some experiences may have a déjà vu quality, and yet they are new each day.
 A Mentor is capable of wearing many different hats. You might be a Parent or a Ship Captain, a Fireman or a Teacher. At any moment, you could be either a Mentor or an Intern or both. A Mentor teaches and learns simultaneously. Always be open to new experiences and view each person with a fresh attitude. Always be on the lookout for new relationship building opportunities.


There was a lapse of a few years (almost 10 yrs,) as my boys grew older and my daughter was born. I was an entirely different Dad with Michelle after my internship with Joe and Steve. My experience and patience grew with my desire to be a better Dad. I sought new ways to be a Dad in more excellent ways. I knew spending personal time with a child is important; I spent more time with Michelle than I had with my boys. I regret that but I'm still learning and I always will be.
I began to notice that my moods would go up or down depending on what the Buffalo Bills did on the football field. I would sit and watch the game or listen on the radio. If they did well and eventually won the game, I was a happy guy. If the Bills lost, I was miserable. My moods affected my relationship with my daughter. I resolved to do something about that. Experience can teach you to take action!
I decided to stop watching and listening to the football games. I decided to spend time with my daughter instead. Every Sunday became our: "Thing To Do Day." Michelle and I would visit playgrounds. We once talked about trying to visit every playground in New York; but they keep building more! We would go visit cemeteries and read old gravestones! Sometimes we would go to Letchworth State Park and walk in the woods. We took hotdogs and dill pickles. Yeah, we would cook the dill pickles and hotdogs on a stick over an open fire. Sometimes we just drove around in the rain. We spent some good quality time together and made lots of heart smiles!
On Sunday morning and even sometimes on Saturday, my little girl would smile and look up at me as she asked: "What's our 'Thing To Do' today Daddy?" I would almost always answer: "I don't know, let's just see where we end up!" It was like finding a treasure as you created the treasure of an experience. Each Sunday was a new Daddy/Daughter Internship! Happy Interning my Mentor Friends! Go forth and intern some more!
She's in college and works 3 jobs but she's still her Daddy's little girl!

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