Sunday, November 17, 2013

Do You Have A Whore's Forehead?


           Some folks would surely blush if they knew what you do. Beyond shame, blushin' is not something you do. For years you wallowed in guilt until the wallowing became like breathing. It's normal for you to be dirty and used, joining others who let themselves be abused. Your dirt won't come off, or so you believe, the dirt is your friend, you make believe. When asked where you're at, your friends say: "In bed." You don't even notice you've grown a "Whore's Forehead."

          Hiding your pain, ignoring your shame, you play the blame game. Some pain is your own, others have hurt you, now their pain you own. Anger and fear become your best friends, they help spread your pain reaching new dead ends. Self loathing and hatred cover your heart, enemies who rejoice in killing each fresh start.

          One by one the leaves have left the trees. The winds of change have denuded their boughs. Naked and empty, they've been disrobed of their past. Maybe it's time for you to be free at last. The trees are barren awaiting new buds, will you prune your thorns and risk some rosebuds? Out of your bleakness will you develop a seekness? Will you seek spring and the healing warmth it will bring?

          When the night is the darkest, did you notice the sun always rises? If you will just believe, each day will bring you new surprises. The strength from your struggle will open the cocoon of bondage. Let the hardness of life bring you a new diamond day.  Turn everything that irritates you into a pearl of great price.

          Each life will be broken, some more than others. Pain is expected by birth giving mothers. New life is yours in this new birthing season, there's none like you, there's no greater reason. You are perfect just as you are. There's nobody like you in the past, present or future, become the best you or you've wasted you. The purpose for your life will be found in your suffering.

          Remove the scales from your heart, it's time for a fresh start. You have been trusted with a life that is a key. Yes, your life is a key that opens a door of opportunity for yourself and someone else. The truth is you might lead many to a new way of life. Imagine the joy as tears wash away their dirt. You've opened your broken heart to receive a seed of hope. The dirt you once wore becomes a bed of soil that gives hope a place to grow.

          Showers of mercy and grace will wash away shame and disgrace. Just look in the mirror, you can't keep a straight face! Beautiful smiles amid a new spring of life. Your forehead is hardened with a new resolve, each day is a new gift designed to give you a lift. All of creation is a classroom, each new trouble is just a womb birthing a new opportunity. All things work together for good. You are loved and valued just as you are. Go do something nice for somebody.

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