Thursday, November 1, 2012


Life can be hard and your depression may seem unbearable.
This too shall pass.
There are better days ahead.
Did you ever notice that a new day always dawns
even after the darkest, longest night?
Somebody needs you
to reach out to them so they feel valued.
You are valued and
you were created for a reason.
There is only one of you
that will ever be created.

Struggle is only the gateway to a stronger life.
A life that has understanding and wisdom.
Butterflies struggle and find freedom.
Diamonds are formed from pressure and stress.
A pearl is a product of irritation.
You are a precious jewel who is loved
even when you can't feel it.
Even when you don't see the sun,
you know it's going to eventually rise.
Don't give up.
People need you and you need them.
You are a tree that has lost a few leaves.
Soon, you will start to bud and grow new life.
Take a deep breath and think about the 4 seasons.
Everything in life happens in the sequence of 4 seasons.
Every second is filled with the 4 seasons.
The Fall is the time for letting go.
Winter is the time to rest and reflect.
Spring is the time to plan and hope.
Summer is the season to celebrate accomplishments.
Each accomplishment should be a celebration -
it doesn't matter how small.
Celebrate this moment as a rest filled
with forgiveness, acceptance and hope.
Faith is believing the sun will rise when you don't see it.
Hope is the plan of what you will do with another new day.
Love is what I have for you at this moment.
God loves you and made you in his image.
Just believe that there are better days ahead.
Speak them into existence.
Your words are a seed.
Even the seed starts in the darkness under the soil.
You are a seed about to break forth and plant new roots.
Just believe.

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